Saturday, 30 October 2010

How I Stopped Caring About TV Ratings and Learned to Love Rangers-Giants

by Andrew Johnson

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I've lived on the East Coast of the United States for my entire life. I was born in Connecticut, grew up in Maine, went to college in Maryland and still live there to this day.

So it's with that background that I'd like to say this to denizens of the Northeast corridor grousing about how no one is going to watch a Texas Rangers-San Francisco Giants World Series.

Shut up.

Just stop. You sound like a bunch of navel-gazing sore losers, and, worse yet, you're probably going to be proven wrong.

The same goes for you, Joe Football Fan. Yes, that Saints-Steelers matchup on Sunday night will probably double the ratings of Game 4 of the World Series. What's your point? It's not a fair comparison for a number of reasons, but even if it was, I'm sure Bud Selig would be willing to admit (privately, of course) that the national pastime has been eclipsed by the National Football League in terms of popularity. You're trying to prove something that's already been accepted by ... everyone. What's next -- distributing photos of the sky to prove it's blue?

If there's a more aggravating sub-text heading into this year's Fall Classic than how many people will watch it, I can't find one, so let's dispel some myths and take a logical sledgehammer to all this talk about ratings.


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